# vue/no-restricted-syntax

disallow specified syntax in <template>

This rule is the same rule as core no-restricted-syntax (opens new window) rule but it applies to the expressions in <template>.

# 🔧 Options

Please see no-restricted-syntax (opens new window) for detailed options.

You can include the AST created by vue-eslint-parser (opens new window) in the selector. To know more about certain nodes in produced AST, please go vue-eslint-parser - AST docs (opens new window).

# "VElement > VExpressionContainer CallExpression"

Forbids call expressions inside mustache interpolation.

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <div> {{ foo }} </div> <div> {{ foo.bar }} </div> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <div> {{ foo() }} </div> <div> {{ foo.bar() }} </div> <div> {{ foo().bar }} </div> </template>
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# 📚 Further Reading

# 🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-vue v5.2.0

# 🔍 Implementation

Taken with ❤️ from ESLint core (opens new window)